Knowledge Base
How To Videos
How to Make a Video Clip
This video will demonstrate how to make a video clip from your hard drive to be played back using the DVRViewer. These clips can only be played back using the 247 DVRViewer and will include ALL camera views.
How to Make an AVI File
This video will demonstrate how to make a video clip in AVI format – a format that DOES NOT require playback using the 247 DVRViewer. An AVI clip can be shared with anyone and only requires a double-click to begin playing.
How to Use TruView
TruView is a DVRViewer feature that creates three additional angles of video viewing from one camera angle, while stretching the corners of a fisheye, 360-degree camera image, to offer a “truer view” from multiple perspectives. This video will demonstrate how to do that.
How to Use the Blur Tools
DVRViewer has multiple blurring tools. This video will demonstrate how to blur a single area, or multiple areas of the viewing screen. It will also show you how to blur the entire screen, then reveal only the area you want see, with just one mouse click.
How to Capture License Plate
This video will demonstrate the easiest way to capture a license plate image with a snapshot that can be saved and emailed.
How to Use the Zoom & Pan Tools
This video will demonstrate how to zoom-in on any screen in the DVRViewer. It will also show you how to pan across the aisle, over, around and into seats throughout the bus.
How to Create a Drive-By Report
This video will demonstrate how to create a drive-by report.
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